Friday, July 13, 2012

Box Day!!

We have had our 3rd grade curriculum for a while now...
however, our summer has been way too busy, 
and we have not had the time to sit down, open the boxes, 
and look through all the goodies...
until today!

One son was very excited to help...
the other one, not pictured, was too busy building lego creations!

Weekend at the Lake!

We had a last minute get away to the lake with some friends!!
We all had a wonderful time!!

Natural Bridge

We stopped by Natural Bridge on the way 
home from our Father's Day getaway!

Trip to Dismal Canyons

We surprised James for Father's Day...
and took him on a weekend getaway!

We spent the day Saturday hiking at Dismal Canyons...
and took the night tour to see the glow worms!!

We spent Sunday canoeing down Bear Creek!
It was a wonderful weekend together as a family!!

The boys thoroughly enjoyed it...
at the end of the day Saturday, David said,
"This has been THE BEST day of my life!!"

Learning to work!

Paul learning how to use an impact wrench...
so he can rotate the tires for me!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Guys Weekend Away

All of my men went on a weekend getaway...  
near the end of April...
all the way from Alabama to Ohio...
to see some cars race...

While I stayed at home...
all... by... myself...

They had a wonderful time...
And I had a heavenly time!

They even had a good time when the transmission blew up!
They were rescued by a dear friend, who drove all the way from 
Calera, AL to Kentucky to rescue them!!

Thank you Mr. George for rescuing my family
 and bringing them home safely!!
You are a true friend!!